Kamala Harris is hurting herself by willfully and aggressively alienating Muslim and Arab American voters. It's not easy to explain all of the reasons, but it's not because of AIPAC.
Genocide is very appealing to the Politicians almost everywhere !
and Kamala is not an EXCEPTION !
Kamala thinks Genocide is not only for men,
Genocide is sexy in her political mind and she feels equal with men when it comes to Genocide …. Because Genocide is part of Women’s Reproductive Rights !
Imho it's even worse to see her utter helplessness stopping the soul eating war machine.
Abandoning the 2 party system over this is just as worth it as over AIPAC
Unlimited Power of the Zionists / Jewish Web of Corruption of the Willingly Submitting American Politicians of both the Major Political Parties !
Genocide is very appealing to the Politicians almost everywhere !
and Kamala is not an EXCEPTION !
Kamala thinks Genocide is not only for men,
Genocide is sexy in her political mind and she feels equal with men when it comes to Genocide …. Because Genocide is part of Women’s Reproductive Rights !
America has been intensely watching and Listening to the Jews on the Appropriate Punishments for terrorists murdering their People.
Blinkers in America are considering how to punish the gunmen who commit murders ….and hold your breath, this is it !
If gunmen kill people, including children in the schools, Churches and Synagogues,
the entire District will be Wiped out as Punishment for Terrorism by men or women from that community !
UK and other Europeans as well thinking of the same measures to punish the few Terrorists !
All the Western Politicians are Grateful to the Zionists for Showing the Way / and Setting the Example on Crime and Punishment !