Sitemap - 2024 - Cutting Through

Video: A Time and A Place for Everything

The ICJ Ruling on Israel's Occupation: What It Means and What Comes Next

Ukraine and Its Allies Need To Prepare For A Second Trump Presidency Now

The Scope and Denial of the Gaza Genocide

Who's Up Next If Biden Steps Aside?

Video: The Fallout From the Presidential Debate

Not "Mowing the Lawn," But Burning the House Down

It's Israel, Not Hamas, That Is the Only Thing Stopping a Ceasefire

Deep Dive On Zionism

ICC Request for Arrest Warrants Against Israeli, Hamas Leaders: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The Lies That Sustain Israeli Genocide

Hamas Accepting Ceasefire Proposal Creates a Major Dilemma For Israel

Student Protesters Are Fighting For Gaza and For All Of Us

A Passover Reflection on Protest, Palestine, and Empathy

Iran-Israel Confrontation: Where Are We Now?

Why Not A Third Party Candidate?

The Desperate Effort to De-Contextualize October 7

Opposing Trump Must Not Mean Accepting Biden's Crimes

Rapid Reaction: UNSC Passes A Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

The Charade at the UN Security Council

Universalism vs Nationalism In Hollywood

Jonathan Glazer's Noble Speech and The Shame of His Critics

A Quick Response To The State Of The Union

Biden Vs Trump On Ukraine

When The Lesser Of Two Evils Is Still Intolerably Evil

Egypt Building a Large Internment Camp For Rafah's Refugees

Saudi-Israel Normalization Is Not A Path To Ending The Violence in Palestine and Israel

US Court Affirms Plausible Charge of Genocide by Israel in Gaza

Murderous Hypocrisy: Cutting Off UNRWA Funding

If You "Stand With Israel" Right Now, You're Standing For Genocide

From The River To The Sea, OK For Me But Not For Thee

Breaking Down Israel's Defense At The ICJ

Wrestling With Biden

Thoughts for 2024

Denial, Obfuscation, Bombast: Arguments Over Gender-Based Violence on October 7